Now I know from my own experience that sometimes the course of love does not run smoothly, hence we end up with women being known as 4x4's.
A well known '4x4' being Ulrika Johnson and Mel B with the announcement of her third pregnancy is looking like a '3x3'.
Whilst women who have multiple children by multiple men are given these titles, I notice that men are not given any titles at all, for instance my own father if the roles were reversed would be know as a 10x4 or something along them lines, but anyways that's a topic for another day.
My point is we understand that sometimes you met someone you think your going to spend the rest of your life with, you have children together, get divorced (or not) and then start the circle all over again.
What I don't understand is why because you are trying to find the elusive 'one' your children must be involved and dragged to meet every potential mate you ever go on a date with.
Exhibit A: Jordan – The man holding Jordan's child on the left? Leandro Penna Argentinian model Jordan's new main squeeze (see right).
As far as I can tell she has know him for all of three weeks… but there he is holding her child being 'papped'
Last I read he does not even speak English but apparently "I'm not with him for his mind.”
Sorry Jordan I'm team Peter for this one. Alex Reid has only been gone a minute the ink has barely dried on the divorce papers.
Why is he meeting your child when you are “just getting to know each other”
Fool… That is all BDSS'ers
Ok I will get off my pedal (sorry) but I think you know what I'm getting at, when it comes to your children you have to be careful, because step familydom is hard at the best of times, let alone when there is a revolving door of step daddies or mommies.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying don't date or to wait until your children have left home to get back in the saddle, but please…
I mean it was only one week ago she was saying: “I'm having an amazing time with Leandro. He isn't a future husband and I'm just having fun when I'm not with the kids.
“I'm single and I'm allowed.”
You are allowed girl but again please...
Now I know Jordan probably got other motives for being seen with Leandro and kids in tow (probably an f u to Alex, plus her reality show) but we all know people being reckless with their children and who they introduce them to... so BDSS'ers chime in.
ew Jordan is just nasty on so many levels, worst of all is introducing your kids to so many men is just wrong, i mean emotionally your kids become attached to these men then what when they leave. She is being selfish as per usual, what is she even doing to herself letting herself be used cover one hurt with a worthless fling, why can't she stop wait and listen to her heart and not get court up in a game.
ReplyDeleteI don't think its a great idea to indroduce you children to so many men like i said children get attached emotionally and if you open the door like that there is no telling how many mr almosts your kids are going to meet, and just when do you start to make good judgement, Jordan is grown you'd think by know she knows what a good, responsible man looks like. What she is... is stupid and stupid is as stupid does.
I think Katie is one of them women that feels she always needs a man there, almost like she is scared to stand on her own to feet....the mere thought of not having someone to lean on fills her with fear of her future!!! Which is quite trange as she is very succesful and really doesnt need to jump from man to man.
ReplyDeleteIve never personally understood people that meet people and then have there partner playing mummy or daddy straight away, so I can only put katies behaviour down to trying to force together her vision of her perfect happy life and any one will do to fill the role of husband/step dad and then she can live happily ever after.
I think that you have to look at the guys state of mind as a women that can easily jump into bed so soon after a break up (Lets not forget she is not even divorced yet) obviously has emotional and insecurity issues, plus god knows what.
Jordan, Katie WHATEVER is just pathetic. I do think she is a great business woman though, but her personal life is just ridiculous and the poor kids caught in the middle! Being introduced to every Tom, Dick and Harry, but I must say that from when she did a ting pregnant with Gareth Gates whilst pregnant with Harvey warning bells rang out from then!
ReplyDeleteI'm a mother who's been in a situation in regards to introducing a new man to my child and it's not easy, you obviously want to make sure that he's into you and you him, so don't rush an introduction. But at the same time you could leaves it for months on end and then your child may not be so keen on the person, so it's very difficult.
At the same time it's not healthy to have a high turnover of step daddies for the child and like Janice said she's just stupid.