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Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Don't be Dicknotized

I was talking to one of my close friends the other day asking him about his new partner, how are things going, etc and he described his partner as being dicknotized. This man always has me in fits of laughter whenever I speak to him. I asked him what the symptoms of Dicknotization are and he said the following without even pausing for a second to think about it (I'm assuming that he had given it some thought prior to the conversation) but anyway this is what he said:

"Googly eyed and addicted to the penis!"

He also went into further details about certain things which are way to private to be discussed on the blog however when he said dicknotized I thought let me examine this phenomenon lol for a second.....straight face! so...

I asked myself whether I'd ever been dicknotized, and I'm not certain I do the whole googly eyes thing, but I do think that on occasion in the past I've maybe mistaken really good sex and the lust that comes with that for deeper feelings. Was I addicted to the Penis or at the very least the release of the those endorphins that accompany good love making? probably, actually on occasion I'd say definitely. There was that one incident where I blurted out I love you whilst in the act. did I love him? No, was I loving the act at the time? hell yeah! My emotions and the endorphins got the better of me and I was dicknotized for that moment.

I also wondered is dicknotization bad for you?

Well I'm thinking that it depends on the variables of the relationship, if your in the above situation with a great partner then its brilliant, great sex, great relationship, that's the ideal, as enjoyable intimate relations in a relationship is important. And a lot of people when talking about having lust and being addicted to sex with someone talk about it like it is a negative always assuming that it is not possible to get with a great partner and this is not always the case. There are alot of happy couples out there addicted to each others bedroom skills...kudos to you!

However if your in a relationship with someone not treating you as you desire and I say this as everyone has different standards and criteria for being treated correctly within a relationship, then being dicknotized and (and I'm sure that when I say this word everyone is able to imagine it in the reverse also, as in a male maybe, being addicted to how a woman is able to put it down), then you might be in trouble. Maybe your putting up with all kinds of negative behaviours or actions, probably thinking that your feelings run deeper than if you took away the awesome sex, you'd normally not put up with. Reading this post will hopefully prompt you to analyse the relationship leaving sex aside for a moment to think about what else your actually gaining from being in it (what are the pros/cons, are you generally happy within the relationship?) think about it for a second!.....

Just to refresh the symptoms....just in case you are suspecting your dicknotized right about now!

they are:

1) googly eyes

2)  An addiction to a specific penis (if your addicted to any one's and everyones penis then this just could be sex addiction, which is not the same thing).

You may as well walk around with a sign saying:

I guess the ultimate aim is to not be dicknotized but if its unavoidable (if your ruled by your neither regions) then it's worth ensuring that the person you allow yourself to be with in this way is worthy. I think my friends partner is very fortunate as he is a great catch. Others may noy be so lucky!

But anyways bdss'ers have you ever been addicted to a particular person's bedroom action and how was that for you?

Also if you are a person getting people hooked.......then stop it! Just Kidding! Share....whats your secret?

Please read, comment, share, enjoy :-)


  1. LMAO!! It is indeed real - this mad woman on youtube spoke about it years ago. Link below :

  2. Oh gosh @the hopeful romantic...p*nis power LMAOOO,
    that video is hilarious!!
    I think she is talking about your friend Sel - he must have the power in his P*nis lol

  3. Hahahaha I love this word hope it has a nice entry under letter D in the DICTIONARY......oh human nature we are visual beasts and that just gets the better of us sometimes....thats why I don't understand why some people can comfortably have one night stands I mean how unatural would it sound to say I love you to a complete stranger because they just hit that SPOT!!!

  4. The video has got me cracking up. The way she is describing it all is very deep!

    heat and intensity in the penis! vagina is cold! Bend her and twist her like a pretzel!

    The penis power is indeed strong!
