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Thursday, 28 October 2010

What One Dance Can Do...(Great Expectations!)

Now I don't know about you but I will happily admit that growing up I loved the film Grease starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.

I loved the film so much in fact that a boyfriend bought me the video as a present and I was so cuffed and I took it as a sign he really knew me! Lol

There was just something hypnotic about John Travoltas' hips and even now when I occasionally catch the film on ITV, I swoon! :-D

John Travolta and his dancing was seriously hot back in the day (no scientology for me… not even Will Smith could get me to believe in Aliens, NASA maybe but L Ron Hubbard, nope!).

So anyways back to the topic…

I think a lot of ladies (I'm not sure if it's the same for men) will probably agree that there is nothing more appealing than a man that can add 1 foot plus the 2nd foot and equal 100! (On the dance floor)…

I mean there is nothing more appealing than a man that can dance …and dance well! (Two step or Migrane Skank does not count!)

You only have to watch Strictly Come Dancing with all its relationship rumours and whispers of affairs amongst the professional dancers and their partners to know what one dance can do…

I mean John Travolta in Grease was not doing anything new; he was doing what many entertainers, performers, show men (Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Genuwine, Usher, Justin Timberlake/Beider) had done before him…

…They were planting a seed… an idea… a theory even …

…that Great dancing = Great **X!

I mean there are dances and then there are DANCES! And I think every woman remembers a great dance/dancer whether it was just the one dance or you took it further and tried to prove the theory…

There is no denying what one dance can do!!

So my BDSS'rs what is your theory about what one dance can do, and also have you tested the theory? What were the results?!

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