Connect With The BDSS

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

I blame Chris Rock, Nicki Manaj, Lady Gaga and Porn

I blame Chris Rock....I do.

Have any of you seen Chris Rocks film Good Hair?

I was out with the  ladies from the BDSS and others on Saturday, and suddenly I felt outnumbered.

There was a lady with a lovely Afro from Ethiopian.

There was another with lovely extensions from Ireland, Jamaica and Ghana.

Another from Congo with lovely, shoulder length locks.

Another from Jamaica who was rocking a TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro).

Then there were the BDSS ladies, Bi who is growing her hair out, Debs who is also growing her hair out, and Si who, as is well documented went, for the big chop a few months ago.

What all the ladies had in common was the fact that they are all going natural. The conversation went from what natural hair products to use, to what hairdresser people frequent or don't frequent! Glycerol oil, Kimitube concoctions, coconut oils, youtube web video's, how going natural makes them feel etc etc...

And then there was me, Miss Relaxed hair with no intention of going natural! Definitely out numbered, I blame Chris Rock. Now, it may have been the film clip of the aluminium can being dissolved in one of the chemicals that's in relaxer in under 4 hours, or the sight of a hole being burned into a piece  of chicken breast, caused by one of the chemicals in the relaxer but either way, I don't think so many of the ladies were going natural before Chris Rock scared us all with his good hair film. I was completely outnumbered!

I blame Nicki Manaj and Lady Gaga....I really do!

I went to a club on Friday night and I could not believe the ugly shoes that some of the ladies were wearing with their lovely dresses lol. I think that if you are going to try and pull off a sexy but edgy look, you need to not dress your top half (i.e: your hair, make-up and dress) really sophisticated and sexy - polished, and then put on a hideous pair of heeled biker boots. It looked completely wrong and screams fashion victim. The killer was that it wasn't just one person in a group of women, there were so so many. I'd look up and admire the dress, the hair and make up (we women do scan other women to see what they are wearing), only to look down and feel like 'whoa - what are those' lol!

FYI: the boots did not look as stylish as these. Stop it you are not Lady Gaga or Manaj - If you want to wear kooky looking boots or shoes, a final glance in the mirror is a good idea to ensure that it enhances an outfit and not completely ruins it.

I blame porn.....I really do!

I was speaking to the ladies the other day about the art of talking dirty, what things are appropriate and what not. More specifically what things are okay for a person to request you to say to them during sex "I love it when you call me big poppa", "say my name" etc. We were all in agreement that we do not like being referred to as bitch during the do example conversation:

"Are you my bitch?"

"Excuse you bitch Nah never that mate"

Then instead of having sex you start debating why it is its not right etc. It kills the mood.

But taking it a step further can you request someone to say anything during it. If someone tells you to tell them you love them (when you don't) , or that they are the greatest (when you've had better) Do you say it? Personally I think no, as I would not want to have to disappoint someone later on down the line, by having to confess that actually that profession of feelings made during sex, was not genuine. Example conversation:

"But you said you loved me??"

"I only said it during sex, I didn't mean it, I thought you did they same thing....oh so you really love me..I thought we were just kicking it"

Awkward much!!

I think this idea that you can say and do anything during sex is false. I blame porn!

So there you have it; I blame Chris Rock, Lady Gaga and porn for all these terrible things. Can you think of any other things that aren't right and who or what caused such a thing?


  1. Ha ha Sel, great post ... it was like a natural revolution *join us* (subliminal message he he).. - even I thought wow seeing all the natural ladies out and about not just in the immediate circle but also just out and about in London – also Natalie from Floetry was rocking a TWA.

    Definitely Chris Rock and his CAN in Sodium Hydroxide opened my eyes to the possible damage of the relaxer (if applied inappropriately) so yes he definitely takes part of the blame for me at least! lol

    Having witnessed the shoe biker boot -like you I was not impressed... Nicki Minaj (I can't spell it!) and Lady Gaga's sense of dress is for the stage and stage only! Some people want to take it to real life with varying degrees of success… the shoe boot for me is a no no – Nike shoe boot, Jenny from the block shoe boot – should remain unseen!

    As for ‘Bitch’ in dirty talk – I’ve never understood why any one would be turned on by that – why I got to be your B* for you to get off?
    Someone please enlighten me on that one.

    I will have to come back re any other things or people who take the blame for other things!

  2. Aah; don’t feel left out girl, although I’m in the process of transitioning from relaxed to natural, it’s with the ultimate aim of ‘starting over’, but with texturiser instead. I mean, Chris Rock’s lil research no longer made me feel ‘relaxed’ with my relaxer (ha!) but I had been considering starting over from before; just procrastinated about getting started.

    I genuinely admire the lovelies with natural styles, but I honestly don’t believe that I have the patience to maintain an absolutely natural hairstyle nor do I feel motivated to at this moment in time lol. So with a ‘start over’ approach, I will hopefully appreciate the need to respect the way I treat my hair to keep it healthy and ultimately reap the rewards that I’ll be willing to rock full time!

    I hear you re the sophisticated upper and biker lower; it doesn’t always mix well lol!

    Porn does have a lot to answer for lol; for making certain men (I don’t do women so can only comment about men, thanks!) believe it is actually normal to conduct themselves in certain manners that should normally get them kicked outta the bedroom!

    As much as I enjoy them, I think that chick-flicks from ‘Love and Basketball’ to … well anything with Hugh Grant or Jennifer Aniston in it (you know the kind) is to blame for us women spending nuff time waiting for a perfect man that will never arrive! lol

  3. Debs definitely agree about the chick flicks and Sex in The City! I mean how many years was Big and Carrie trying to get it together for? They got there in the end (SATC movie 1) but it still weren't plan sailing (SATC movie 2).
    Many women hang in there for the 'one' (who is maybe not the one).... I blame Sex in The City!!

  4. Good post!! I cant really comment on the natural hair stuff, although from a male point of view I think like most things if it suits you GREAT! If it doesnt then its not a good look!!
    I think that natural hair can bring out the inner beauty of a black womans ethnicity.

    I love seeing women in high heels, once again though, if it doesnt suit you then its not a good look, although i also admire anyone that tries to be risque with there fashion.

    On the P*rn subject, I had a talk with my boys recently and we agreed that porn and the way it is so easily accessed has a lot to answer for when it comes to the youth of today.
    Gang rape is apparently on the up amongst young guys and we felt it boiled down to them seeing various type of p*rn and almost seeing it as normal.

  5. Thanks for commenting anonymous, you make a serious point regarding porn. In general it does push the boundaries and some people are unable to understand that its not the reality or acceptable to carry out certain practices in the real world.

    I also blame Jay-Z what with his back story of selling CD's out the back of his car etc, a lot of people started doing this, which is fine you can't knock the hustle to use a Jay Z lyric. However some people should not be allowed to convince people to buy CD's on the street from them! Why? Because they can't write a song (of any genre!) to save their life. I've probably spoken about this before but it came back to me today. The time when this man in camden came up to me and convinced me that he is a rapper and that his CD was fantastic, me in a jovial mood and having some change in my pocket (note: you do not pay HMV prices if someone is selling you a cd in the street), I was happy to support so I bought one. I took the CD home and listened to it the next day, and it was the worst CD I had ever bought in my life. I was so distraught that I had given him change and I could not believe he actually believed he was creating something sellable. Never again! So I'm sorry the next time you see me and you try and sell me a CD, just know that I supporting you in my heart but I will not part with my money.

  6. Yes it was enlightening to see all the natural styles out there, but you've rocked natural before girl, and I've seen you with loads of styles that have looked great! The great thing about our hair is that we can do loads of stuff with it. For me the crunch was my itchy scalp, and the fact that my hair when it was natural seemed to grow much more quickly and was overall more healthier.

    Those shoes sound crazy, I agree that there's certain styles that should be for the celebs or catwalk not raving at the weekend!

    Personally sex talk doesn't really bother me and I have learnt not to take what is said too seriously, as long as you ain't calling me b*tch in everyday life if that rocks your boat!

  7. i don't who started it but i hate this no homo line, a guy says to or of another guy you look fly in the jeans followed by no homo. WHY... is anyone thinking you are gay because you like how they dress, we are not stupid there is no need to educate us a little more. I blame this one on Nikki Minaj for fooling these young girls about her being a barbie doll... REALLY are there even any black barbie dolls and of all the things she could choose to be her gimmick she picks a bloody dolly that doesn't even represent her did a little search and there are black barbies who have whites folks hair.

    Lastly during sex what you need to talk for its time to concentrate and do things right. And i fully agree if you call me a bitch best be believe the mood is broken, my mamma didn't give birth to no bitch i don't care how you use it or when you say it i refuse for a man to call me his bitch cause guess what I am not nor will i ever be your bitch
